The Lewes Arms is famed for is vast array of weird and wonderful events, here’s some of the thing we like to get up to. If you’d like more information on any of our events or join in, get in touch - the more the merrier!
World Pea Throwing Championships - We are the home to the world pea throwing champion (call it the world championships because we don’t think anyone else does it and we once had a guy from Germany so that counts as global), its held late summer annually. Read about it about it here

Dwyle Flunking - A few times a year we host the legenadary Dwyle Flunking, lots has been said on this most ancient and mysterious game. An ancient rite of passage for an apprentice brewer or just an excuse to drink beer, who knows, but its a lot of fun! Here’s some excellent footage here from Pathé to give you a taste of what we do

Spaniel Racing - Once a year we like to race dogs down the lane (who doesn’t), we call it Spaniel Racing but all dogs are welcome to race. The staff member that draws the short straw dresses up as a hare, usually with sausages attached to them and off we go. It’s a lot of fun for dogs and humans alike. Watch us in action from a few years ago here

Along side these we hold other regular events such as life drawing, a weekly folk night, talks, book clubs, quiz nights and our long standing chess league - All are welcome to join or attend drop us an email for more information